2025年2月7日(金)、立命館とVenture Café Tokyoが立命館大学大阪いばらきキャンパス(OIC)で開催する、誰もが無料で参加可能なイノベーションコミュニティプログラム「OIC CONNÉCT #30」を開催します!
今回は「GLOBAL INSIGHT DAY」と題し、海外の視点から未来を考える1日です!日本語と英語のセッションのほか、現地に足をお運びいただいた方には、セッション以外にも、英語やグローバルな交流を気軽に楽しめる限定コンテンツを多数ご用意!英語に自信がなくても楽しめるプログラムばかりなので、ぜひお気軽にご参加ください。当日だけのユニークな体験を通じて、思い出と新しいつながりを作りましょう!
The next OIC CONNÉCT will be held on Friday, February 7th! To make it easier for both English and Japanese speakers to participate, we’ve updated the visuals and title!
Under the theme “Global Insight Day,” the event will feature bilingual sessions in Japanese and English, as well as exclusive content designed for participants to enjoy global interactions effortlessly. Even if you’re not confident in your English skills, the programs are designed to be enjoyable for everyone. Don’t miss this opportunity to create unforgettable memories and new connections through unique experiences available only on this day. We look forward to seeing you there!
Whether you plan to attend on-site or online, please Pre-register for the event below.
参加登録についてはこちら Click here for registration information.

OIC CONNÉCTは、立命館大学大阪いばらきキャンパス(OIC)で開催される、学びの機会(パネルセッション、レクチャー、ワークショップ)と繋がりの機会(ネットワーキング、展示テーブル)の組み合わせからなるイノベーション促進/交流プログラムです。多様な人が、ふらっと参加して、楽しみ、繋がり、そして新しい挑戦をしたくなるような機会の提供を通じ、関西を中心としたイノベーション・コミュニティを創出することを目指します。
- 主催 Host
- 運営 Organizer
- 共催 Co-Host
- 協力 Supporters
大阪スタートアップエコシステム・コンソーシアム / Osaka Start-up Ecosystem Consortium
日本貿易振興機構(JETRO)大阪本部 / JETRO Osaka
OIC CONNÉCT is the innovation gathering held at Ritsumeikan University(Osaka Ibaraki Campus).
The events will differ from time to time but will include lectures, speaker panels, and breakout sessions from a diverse range of innovations and netowrking. This is a great opportunity for innovators to be inspired, discover new opportunities, and connect with innovators.

開催概要|Event Outline
(入退場自由 free entry and exit)
このイベントは無料開催です。 The participation fee is free.
会 場|Venue
立命館大学大阪いばらきキャンパス(大阪府茨木市岩倉町 2-150)
G棟 分林記念館
Ritsumeikan University(Osaka-Ibaraki Campus)
Building G “Wakebayashi International Plaza”
Hybrid event (on-site participation and online viewing)
OICへのアクセス|Access to OIC
立命館大学大阪いばらきキャンパス Osaka-Ibaraki Campus, Ritsumeikan University
〒567-8570 大阪府茨木市岩倉町 2-150
English Site / https://en.ritsumei.ac.jp/access/#OIC

会場マップ|OIC Campus map

- 専用の駐車場・駐輪場はございません。お車、自転車、バイクでのご来場はご遠慮ください。
There is no dedicated parking or bicycle parking. Please refrain from coming by car, bicycle, or motorcycle. - ご来場の際は公共交通機関をご利用ください。
Please use public transportation. - キャンパス内は全面禁煙です。またキャンパス周辺での喫煙もご遠慮ください。
Smoking is prohibited on campus. Smoking is not permitted in the vicinity of the campus.
Networking is being held concurrently with the program. Please feel free to come and join us.

16:30 – 17:00 【日英/JP&EN】
OIC CONNÉCTの楽しみ方/ How to enjoy OIC CONNÉCT
セッション会場/Session Area|HYBRID(現地参加 In-person & オンライン視聴 Online Participation)
OIC CONNÉCTやVenture Café Tokyoの世界観についてご説明します。また、参加する皆さんがお互いに安心して楽しむためのコツや簡単なルールを、気楽に肩肘張らずにご紹介します。初めてOIC CONNÉCTにご参加される方は、ぜひご覧下さい!
We will introduce the unique vision and atmosphere of OIC CONNÉCT and Venture Café Tokyo. Additionally, we’ll share some tips and simple guidelines to help everyone feel comfortable and enjoy connecting with each other in a relaxed and friendly manner. If this is your first time joining OIC CONNÉCT, be sure to check it out!
17:00 – 18:00 【英語/ENG】
Pathways to a Borderless Future -国内外で活躍する多様なキャリアパスを歩むイノベーターに聞くキャリアの考え方!-
セッション会場/Session Area|HYBRID(現地参加 In-person & オンライン視聴 Online Participation)

In this session, we invite professionals who have excelled in both domestic and international arenas to share their insights and experiences on building a global career. The speakers will discuss topics such as overcoming challenges in international business environments, and leveraging their past experiences in their current roles. Through real-life stories and valuable advice, this session will broaden your perspective on thriving globally and inspire you to take concrete steps toward your future. Don’t miss this opportunity to expand your horizons!
【登壇者(Presenters) 】

椎名 エバレット 達弘 氏(Everett Tatsuhiro Shiina)
= YouTuber / コンテンツコンサルタント
After graduating from University of Tsukuba, joined JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization) in 2021 and played a key role in developing and managing programs to help Japanese entrepreneurs expand overseas. In 2023, left JETRO and began running the YouTube channel “世界の社長チャンネル” where entrepreneurs from around the world share their stories. Currently also offering YouTube streaming support and video production services.

Chelsilia Tanzil
= Country Partner, Japan, Inovexus
Chelsilia Tanzil is the Operating Partner for Inovexus Japan, where she supports early-stage startups with global ambitions. Her work focuses on fostering innovation and investment while mentoring founders and connecting them with industry resources. She is also the founder of Cheeky Pub House, a craft beer pub in Kyoto that brings people together over local brews. Chelsilia’s journey highlights her adaptability and contributions to Japan’s startup ecosystem as a professional in the innovation space.
Inovexus Japanのオペレーティングパートナーとして、グローバル志向のスタートアップ支援に従事し、創業者のメンタリングや業界リソースとの連携を通じて、イノベーションと投資の促進に尽力。また、京都にあるクラフトビールパブ「Cheeky Pub House」の創設者でもあり、地元ビールを通じて人々をつなげています。日本のイノベーション分野で活躍するプロフェッショナルとして、幅広く活動している。

中西 葉奈 氏(Hana NAKANISHI)
= 独立行政法人日本貿易振興(ジェトロ)大阪本部 イノベーション課
Graduated from Akita International University. After joining JETRO, worked at the Tokyo headquarters, primarily supporting marketing for daily goods and food products targeted at U.S. retailers. Currently based at the Osaka headquarters, focusing on supporting startups with their overseas expansion efforts.
17:30 – 20:30 【日本語/JPN】
Office Hours(メンタリング)
学びの広場 / Learning Area|現地参加のみ / In-person Only(事前予約制 / Pre-Registration)
起業のアイデアを誰かと相談したい、ビジネスプランをブラッシュアップさせたい、自分一人だとなかなか進まずキャリアについて壁打ちをしたいなど、メンタリングの希望はありませんか?そんな時は、現役起業家・これから起業を考えている方・企業内の新規事業担当者・学生等どなたでも是非Office Hoursをご活用ください!OIC CONNÉCTの時間内にて各領域のプロフェッショナルが30分間、皆さんのご相談に乗ります!(無料、現地のみ)
OIC CONNÉCTはあなたのあらゆる挑戦を応援します。
※OIC CONNÉCT申込と重ねての予約申込が必要です。
Office Hours must be reserved in addition to the OIC CONNÉCT registration.

小松 宣郷 氏(Nobusato KOMATSU)
= 中央会計 株式会社 代表取締役社長|
株式会社 セキュアヴェイル 監査等委員取締役

関 兵馬 氏(Hyoma SEKI)
= 栖峰(せいほう)投資ワークス 株式会社 代表取締役

小村 隆祐 氏(Ryusuke KOMURA)
= Venture Café Tokyo Executive Director
18:00 – 19:00 【英語/ENG】
ヘルスケア・ライフサイエンス分野における大阪・関西のポテンシャルを語る / Unlocking the Potential of Osaka-Kansai in Healthcare and Life Sciences
セッション会場/Session Area|HYBRID(現地参加 In-person & オンライン視聴 Online Participation)

This session brings together innovators at the forefront of the healthcare industry in Osaka and the Kansai region to discuss the challenges and opportunities within the innovation ecosystem. As Japan faces pressing issues such as a declining birthrate and aging population, increasing social security costs, workforce shortages in healthcare and caregiving, and market saturation for medical devices and pharmaceuticals, innovation is essential to improve efficiency and quality in healthcare and caregiving. Additionally, the creation and utilization of related services are critical.
The medical and healthcare fields also hold significant potential as growth industries, driven by the emergence of new domestic demand, such as health management, and the opportunity to capture overseas markets as a pioneer in addressing societal challenges. This underscores the urgent need to cultivate talent with advanced expertise and an international perspective.
In this context, the session will feature speakers from diverse backgrounds in the healthcare sector, engaging in dialogue about concrete approaches to addressing these challenges. Topics include adapting to multicultural societies, fostering global collaboration, and exploring the legacy of the Osaka-Kansai Expo. Together, we aim to share insights on the potential of Osaka and Kansai in the healthcare and life sciences fields.
【登壇者(Presenters) 】

金田 恵理 氏(Eri KANEDA)
= 大阪大学大学院 医学系研究科心臓血管外科学
Graduated from Azabu University in 2015 and obtained a veterinarian license. Worked as a clinical veterinarian for cattle at a clinic operated by Nakatsu City Hall in Oita Prefecture. Since 2019, enrolled in the doctoral program at Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine. Currently engaged in the development of medical devices based on biodesign principles.
Project Name: “Cool Flash”
Aimed at addressing hot flashes—symptoms such as flushing and excessive sweating caused by decreased estrogen (female hormone) levels—experienced by approximately 60% of postmenopausal women. Cool Flash is a device designed to alleviate and prevent these symptoms by intervening in the mechanisms of hot flashes through the application of neuromodulation technology.
2015年 麻布大学卒業、獣医師免許取得。大分県中津市役所が運営する診療所にて牛の臨床獣医師として従事。2019年より大阪大学大学院 医学系研究科の博士課程に所属。現在はバイオデザイン学に基づく医療系デバイス開発を行う。
プロジェクト名「Cool Flash」:エストロゲン(女性ホルモン)の減少に伴うほてり、大量発汗などの症状であるホットフラッシュ。閉経女性の約6割が経験する。Cool Flushは、ニューロモデレーション技術の応用により、このホットフラッシュの発症機序に介入することで、症状の軽減・発症抑制を目指すデバイス。

西井 香織 氏(Kaori NISHII)
= NEWRON 株式会社 代表取締役社長
Graduated from the Faculty of Pharmacy, Kinki University in 2019. Took a leave of absence during studies to start a business. Engaged in marketing projects utilizing ideathons, training programs, and incubation services. After obtaining a pharmacist license, launched and currently manages ventures such as the “Traveling Pharmacist” initiative (a matching service for rural pharmacies and urban pharmacists) and a healthy food development business. Serves as a part-time lecturer at Kinki University and several other universities, teaching “Business Idea Development” courses.
ハイダー キャサリン(Katherine Heider)
= Assistant Leader, Expo Headquarters, Pasona Group / パソナグループ株式会社 万博本部 アシスタントリーダー
Born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Went to Washington University in St. Louis and moved to Japan after graduation. Lived in Okinawa for 5 years teaching English at two elementary schools as an ALT. Joined Pasona Group in August of 2024, currently working at the Expo Headquarters.
チャーンゴー・レオン(Leon Csango)
= CPU Department, Project Associate, Pasona Group / ソナグループ株式会社 CPU室 業務担当
Leon Csángó graduated from the University of Exeter with First-Class Honours in Management & Sustainability with proficiency in Entrepreneurship. He completed a prestigious fellowship at Pasona Group, specialising in regional revitalisation. He now continues to bridge rural and urban Japan by supporting Pasona’s regional initiatives on Awaji island as well as the Expo 2025 in Osaka. Previously, Leon led digital transformation initiatives at Zoom Communications, enabling digital connectivity in Central & Eastern Europe and Central Asia amidst COVID-19 through his role as Business Developer . His passion for regional development began as a civil servant supporting displaced migrants in Latin America. Originally from Austria, Leon brings a global perspective to his work.
エクセター大学で経営学とサステナビリティを専攻し、起業学を副専攻。パソナグループの新たな産業の創造や地方創生の実現を目指すプログラム、Awaji Youth Federationの参加で来日。現在、レオンはパソナグループで淡路島での地方創生の支援や、大阪関西万博にも貢献を通して都市と地方をつなぐ活動を続けています。前職では、Zoomビデオコミュニケーションズで事業開発部でコロナ禍に中東欧および中央アジア全域でデジタル接続を促進するプロジェクトをリード。地域開発への情熱は、南米で難民を支援する公務員としての経験から始まりました。オーストリア出身のレオンはグローバルな視点を活かして活動を展開しています。

吉田 美里 氏(Misato YOSHIDA)
= MIRACLE SCIENCE INNOVATION 株式会社 EVP / 一般財団法人 未来医療推進機構 エキスパートサポーター / 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科 老年看護学 招聘研究員 / 行政書士 / CFP®
Since 2014, has been involved in the establishment of the “Industry-Academia Collaboration and Cross-Innovation Initiative” at Osaka University, promoting collaboration and joint research with companies. In 2019, became the Secretary-General of the Health and Medical Cross-Innovation Lab, a general incorporated association. Joined SUNDRED in 2022 and participated in the establishment of MIRACLE SCIENCE INNOVATION Co., Ltd., a SUNDRED subsidiary, in March 2024. Since August 2024, has been working as a coordinator for Nakanoshima Qross, striving to build a community that realizes an innovation ecosystem for future medical care.
2014年より大阪大学にて医療と社会をつなぐ「産学連携・クロスイノベーションイニシアティブ」に設立から参画し、企業との連携、共同研究を推進。2019 年より一般社団法人健康医療クロスイノベーションラボ事務局長。2022 年よりSUNDRED に参画。2024年3月SUNDRED子会社のMIRACLE SCIENCE INNOVATION株式会社に立ち上げより参加。8月よりNakanoshima Qross のコーディネーター業務を開始し、未来医療のイノベーションエコシステムを実現するコミュニティ作りに邁進中。
19:00 – 19:30 【英語/ENG】
Côte d’Ivoire Startup Showcase / コートジボワール発スタートアップショーケース
セッション会場/Session Area|HYBRID(現地参加 In-person & オンライン視聴 Online Participation)

From Africa, home to a quarter of the world’s population, comes a wave of innovative startups. This pitch event showcases the dynamic startup ecosystem of West Africa, starting from Côte d’Ivoire, the economic hub of Francophone Africa. Experience the future of entrepreneurship here.

= Syitech Group, CEO
Fondateur et PDG de Syitech Group. Author Writer and project Manager. Engineer graduate, Blockchain & MBA expert, 10+ awards, 20+ certifications, 10+ years in business. Syitech Group est une CultTech, spécialisée dans la production de cartes USB eco-securisées pour artistes, streaming et Fintech culturelle.
Syitech Groupの創設者兼CEO。著者、作家、プロジェクトマネージャーでもある。エンジニアとして卒業し、ブロックチェーンとMBAの専門家。10以上の賞を受賞し、20以上の資格を取得。ビジネス経験は10年以上。Syitech GroupはCultTech企業であり、アーティスト向けのエコセキュアなUSBカードの製造、ストリーミング、および文化的フィンテックを専門としています。

Dutauziet Christian Henri
= Hopmed, CEO
Hopmed is a next-gen health platform that rewards proactive well-being. Combining preventive care, fun incentives, and a 24/7 AI assistant, we engage users while telehealth cabins bring medical access to remote communities. Our data-driven insights support pharmaceutical R&D and healthcare policy development in West Africa, making healthcare accessible, rewarding, and impactful.

François Marin Pache
= Zenotech, CEO
Zenotech is an EdTech company specializing in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) solutions for training and vocational schools.
ほか/ others
19:30 – 20:30 【英語/ENG】
Bridging the Future of Kansai with International Students / 国際生とともに築く関西の未来
セッション会場/Session Area|HYBRID(現地参加 In-person & オンライン視聴 Online Participation)

This session will dive into the vital role of students and international entrepreneurs in shaping Kansai’s innovation ecosystem. Featuring a representative from Kobe University’s Entrepreneurship Club and an international student entrepreneur from Osaka University, the discussion will examine the current state of support networks for international entrepreneurial students in Kansai. Topics include the unique contributions of international students, the challenges and opportunities they face, the role of student communities in fostering innovation, and strategies for collaboration to build a thriving ecosystem. Attendees will gain actionable insights and participate in a Q&A to explore ways to bridge the future of Kansai with international students.
【登壇者(Presenters) 】

Nick Hafner 氏(ニック ハフナー)
= Founder of Refined Robotics / Refined Robotics 創業者
A roboticist who dreams of changing the world, my life goal is to leave my own mark upon the world – a mark that the people who I help will remember. Refined Robotics is that project. We’re developing the next generation of elderly assistive robots, increasing independence, freedom, and safety in this aging society. In my free time I have 2 black belts in karate, dance salsa and bachata, and can occasionally find my way around a drum kit. My academic and work history follows: – 2016-2020 MEng Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London – 2020-2022 Robotics Software Engineer, BladeBUG (UK) – 2022-2025 PhD Candidate, Hiroshi Ishiguro Lab, Osaka University* – 2024~ Refined Robotics *in collaboration with 国際電気通信基礎技術研究所(Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International / ATR)
ロボティクス分野で世界を変えることを夢見るロボット技術者。目標は、人々の記憶に残る自身の足跡を世界に刻むことです。Refined Roboticsは、そのプロジェクトの一環として、次世代の高齢者支援ロボットを開発し、高齢化社会において自立、自由、安全を向上させることを目指しています。2016-2020:インペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドン 機械工学 修士号。2020-2022:BladeBUG(英国)ロボティクスソフトウェアエンジニア。2022-2025:大阪大学 石黒浩研究室 博士課程(国際電気通信基礎技術研究所(ATR)と共同研究)。2024〜:Refined Robotics創業者。空手の黒帯を2つ取得、サルサとバチャータダンス、ドラム演奏など多才な一面も持っています。

大西 拓斗 氏(Takto OHNISHI)
= Kobe University, Faculty of Law 2nd Year, Entrepreneurship Club / 神戸大学法学部法律学科2年生、起業部所属
A second-year student in the Faculty of Law, Department of Legal Studies at Kobe University, and a member of the Entrepreneurship Club. Through experiences as a tutor, speaker at high schools, and teaching assistant (TA) for inquiry-based learning, they became aware of a growing issue: many children today lack passion, dreams, or interests to immerse themselves in. This inspired a vision to “fill Japan with children shining brightly with their dreams.” In the Entrepreneurship Club, they work on projects related to inquiry-based learning, leveraging their experience in both practicing and teaching it. They also serve as a manager, supporting the club’s operations. Together with fellow members, they actively strive toward the goal of making the club synonymous with student entrepreneurship under the motto, “If you’re a student entrepreneur, Kobe University’s Entrepreneurship Club is the place to be.”
16:30 – 20:30
Exclusive for On-Site Participants! Three Special Activities to Enjoy English and Global Experiences
ネットワーキング会場 / Networking Area|現地参加のみ In-person Only
For those joining us in person, we’ve prepared a variety of exclusive activities beyond the sessions that let you casually enjoy English and global connections! These programs are designed to be fun and accessible, even if you’re not confident in your English skills.
Don’t hesitate to join in—this is your chance to create unforgettable memories and forge new connections through unique experiences available only on the event day!
1. Speak English at the SOFA/英語ではなSOFA
“Feeling nervous about speaking in English?” Don’t worry! Our 10-minute mini-workshops held in the SOFA area are here to help. Facilitators will support your English networking efforts.
With a new discussion theme each time, this is a great chance to use English casually and enjoy connecting with others! Talk about topics like your favorite movies or hometown, and have fun engaging in English conversations with fellow participants.
2. Let’s Create a Recommended Restaurant Map!/みんなで作ろう!おすすめ飲食店マップ
Share your favorite Kansai dining spots in English! A large map will be set up at the venue where you can add restaurants recommended by other participants—just write them down in English!
Looking for the best takoyaki in Osaka? Or a cozy café in Kyoto? Check out the tips shared by others and discover your next destination!
3. Win a Prize with the Stamp Rally!/シールラリーでプレゼントをゲット!
Enjoy all the activities of the event to earn a special prize! Complete the rally sheet by completing these missions:
- Add a restaurant to the “Recommended Restaurant Map”/「おすすめ飲食店マップ」にお店を追加する
- Participate in the “Speak English at the SOFA” booth/「英語ではなSOFA」ブースに参加する
- Attend a session/セッションに参加する
Collect all three stamps and get an extra drink at the drink counter! Have fun mingling and make the most of the event!
Whether you plan to attend on-site or online, please Pre-register for the event below.
イベントの事前登録について / How to Pre-register this event
- 上の 参加登録はこちら/ REGISTER NOW ボタンをクリック
Click the REGISTER NOW button. - 事前登録のボタンからチェックイン(受付)!(メールアドレス等の入力が必要です。)
Check-in to our HP! Please enter your email address etc., then you will be redirected to the landing page.
※現地参加を検討されている場合は、 セッション一覧の[現地参加用 / for participants in-person] 事前登録 | Pre-registration より事前登録をお願いします。
*For participants in-person, please click the button and pre-register on the [for participants in-person] Pre-registration from the session list on the event page. - 当日時間になったらOIC CONNÉCTに参加する!
ランディングページにて、参加されたいセッション にご参加ください。 各セッション開始10分前になりますと、「事前登録 | PRE-REGISTER」のボタンが「セッションに参加する|JOIN ONLINE」に切り替わりますのでそちらをクリックしてください。
Enjoy OIC CONNÉCT! Please select any room you would like to join from the landing page and enjoy sessions/networking space. You are able to join each session10 minutes early.
*If you are unable to access the site due to password settings or other reasons, please check your registered e-mail for a link to view the site.
*If you are unable to access, please click on “Please enter your password to login” and scroll down to the login page and click on “Forgot your password?

OIC CONNÉCTは、学校法人立命館が主催し、Venture Café Tokyoが立命館大学大阪いばらきキャンパス(OIC)で開催する、誰もが無料で参加可能なイノベーション促進プログラムです。
This is an innovation acceleration program hosted by Ritsumeikan University and organized by Venture Café Tokyo at the Osaka Ibaraki Campus (OIC). Open to everyone free of charge, the program aims to further develop OIC’s long-established identity as a “campus open to the community” by evolving it into a space where “people, ideas, and resources inspire one another” beyond the boundaries of academia.
Held monthly, this program seeks to foster an innovation community centered in the Kansai region by providing opportunities for diverse individuals—entrepreneurs, researchers, and students alike—to connect, exchange ideas, and learn from each other. Through inspiring talks by various innovators and workshops designed to accelerate innovation, participants can not only gain valuable insights but also expand their networks through shared experiences.
OIC CONNÉCTの雰囲気を知りたい方はInstagram/Facebookをご覧ください!
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