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立命館起業・事業化推進室 RIMIX事務局です。
2022年6月23日(木)、RIMIXオープンゼミ「世界で戦う若き起業家たち誕生のきっかけ」Presented by JAFCO Asia の第2回を実施します。
Presented by JAFCO Asia
第2回 Dcard Taiwan Ltd. Founder&CEO Kytu Lin
本シリーズ第2回は、Dcard Taiwan Ltd. Founder&CEO Kytu Lin氏をゲスト講師としてお招きします。(※全編英語)

Dcard Taiwan Ltd. Founder&CEO
Mr. Kytu Lin
Kytu Lin, the founder and CEO of Dcard, created the first web version of the service when he was a sophomore at National Taiwan University and founded Dcard Taiwan Ltd., in 2015. Kytu strives for building up a learning organization and leads the employees to keep growing. Forbes magazine named Kytu Lin to its prestigious 30 Under 30 Asia, Taiwan’s sole representative among Asian IT leaders.

JAFCO Asia,Senior Investment Manager
Ms. Asta Chang
Asta Chang is a Senior Investment Manager in JAFCO Taiwan Capital under JAFCO Asia. She focuses on investment opportunities in software and enterprise solutions, platforms, and mobile internet technology. During her career in JAFCO Asia, she led the investments in several deals including iCHEF, Dcard, and AmazingTalker. She also successfully organized the fundraising activities for the first JAFCO Taiwan Fund. Asta earned her Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance Degree from National Taiwan University, Taipei City, in 2013.
Dcard is a social networking platform that is very popular among the youth community in Taiwan with 18 million monthly unique users. Dcard is also eager to try out new business models, launching an E-commerce platform, IP, and video production etc. Dcard sets its foot outwards, expanding its influence globally. In 2018, Dcard launched a localized Hong Kong version of the service with an exclusive Hong Kong forum. Subsequently, in 2021, Dcard launched the Japanese SNS service aimed for the student community, and re-named it as “Dtto” (https://intro.dtto.com/) .
Dcard Taiwan>https://signal.diamond.jp/articles/amp/728/
JAFCO Asia>https://jafcoasia.com/
当日は、Kytu Lin氏の事業のお話、今までどんな人生を歩んで来られたのか、なぜ起業するに至ったのかなど様々なお話を伺います。
その後JAFCOAsiaでキャピタリストとして活躍するAsta Chang氏を交えて、クロストーク形式でDcard社の魅力や出資のポイントなど、世界で活躍するお二人の本音をJAFCOグループの古谷氏が掘り下げます。
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学校法人立命館 起業・事業化推進室
English Information
This is the RIMIX office.
On Thursday, June 23, 2022, the second session of RIMIX Open Seminar “The Birth of Young Entrepreneurs Competing Globally” presented by JAFCO Asia will be held.
This event is a series of three events, inviting a series of young Asian startup entrepreneurs who are currently active in the world.
You can participate in this series one at a time, but by participating in a series of events, you may gain a better understanding of the current global startup situation, the future direction of the world, and what you are working on right now.
If you aspire to start a business or pursue an international career path, or if you are interested in gaining a global perspective, please join us.
The Birth of Young Entrepreneurs Competing on the World Stage” presented by JAFCO Asia
Part 2: Kytu Lin, Founder & CEO, Dcard Taiwan Ltd.
The second installment of this series will feature guest lecturer Kytu Lin, Founder & CEO, Dcard Taiwan Ltd.. (*All parts are in English)
During the session, Mr. Kytu Lin will talk about his business, his life story, and why he decided to start his own company.
Afterwards, Mr. Furuya of JAFCO Group will join Ms. Asta Chang, a capitalist at JAFCO Asia, in a crosstalk session to discuss the appeal of Dcard, the key points of investment, and the true feelings of these two internationally active people.
Of course, there will be time for questions and answers from participants.
Recommended for people like this!
・People who are interested in entrepreneurship
・People who are interested in international career paths
・People who want to be stimulated by various values.
・People who are interested in becoming venture capitalists.

Dcard Taiwan Ltd. Founder&CEO
Mr. Kytu Lin
Kytu Lin, the founder and CEO of Dcard, created the first web version of the service when he was a sophomore at National Taiwan University and founded Dcard Taiwan Ltd., in 2015. Kytu strives for building up a learning organization and leads the employees to keep growing. Forbes magazine named Kytu Lin to its prestigious 30 Under 30 Asia, Taiwan’s sole representative among Asian IT leaders.

JAFCO Asia,Senior Investment Manager
Ms. Asta Chang
Asta Chang is a Senior Investment Manager in JAFCO Taiwan Capital under JAFCO Asia. She focuses on investment opportunities in software and enterprise solutions, platforms, and mobile internet technology. During her career in JAFCO Asia, she led the investments in several deals including iCHEF, Dcard, and AmazingTalker. She also successfully organized the fundraising activities for the first JAFCO Taiwan Fund. Asta earned her Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance Degree from National Taiwan University, Taipei City, in 2013.
About Dcard
Dcard is a social networking platform that is very popular among the youth community in Taiwan with 18 million monthly unique users. Dcard is also eager to try out new business models, launching an E-commerce platform, IP, and video production etc. Dcard sets its foot outwards, expanding its influence globally. In 2018, Dcard launched a localized Hong Kong version of the service with an exclusive Hong Kong forum. Subsequently, in 2021, Dcard launched the Japanese SNS service aimed for the student community, and re-named it as “Dtto” (https://intro.dtto.com/) .
Dcard Taiwan>https://english.cw.com.tw/article/article.action?id=2829
JAFCO Asia>https://jafcoasia.com/
June 23, Thursday 18:30-19:30
Online (Zoom)
*ZOOM URL will be sent to the e-mail address you entered in the application form after 1:00 p.m. on 6/22(Wed.).
Offering target
Students and graduate students enrolled at Ritsumeikan University / Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University / Students from affiliated schools and other Ritsumeikan Trust personnel
Q&A session
During the day’s crosstalk, we will be soliciting questions via an anonymous Q&A tool called “slido”.
We will also be accepting questions in advance, so please feel free to submit your questions at the following page.
Application Form
If you wish to participate, please fill out and submit the application form below.
Application deadline: Wednesday, June 22, 13:00
*If a copy of the application form is not sent to your email, the email address you entered on the form may be incorrect. Please apply again.