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立命館起業・事業化推進室 RIMIX事務局です。
2022年7月14日(木)、RIMIXオープンゼミ「世界で戦う若き起業家たち誕生のきっかけ」Presented by JAFCO Asia の第3回を実施します。
Presented by JAFCO Asia
第3回 Fundiin JSC Co-founder & CEO Mr. Nguyen Anh Cuong
本シリーズ第3回は、Fundiin JSC Co-founder & CEOのNguyen Anh Cuong氏をゲスト講師としてお招きします。(※全編英語)
当日は、Nguyen Anh Cuong氏から、ベトナムの状況、2回目の起業、かつ新しい金融サービスというFundiinの事業へのハードルをどう乗り越えられたのか、今までどんな人生を歩んで来られたのか、なぜ起業するに至ったのかなど様々なお話を伺います。
またJAFCOAsiaでキャピタリストとして活躍するAmy Do氏にもご登壇いただきます。

Fundiin JSC Co-founder & CEO
Mr. Nguyen Anh Cuong
Cuong Nguyen set up Fundiin in mid 2020. Previously, he founded Lendiz – a consumer lending company for motorbike purchase. In addition, Cuong also worked as Fund Manager for Vietnam Asset Management Holding Ltd (a closed-end fund listed on London Stock Exchange that invests in public equities and pre-IPO companies, with USD 250M of AUM).

JAFCO Asia, Senior Investment Manager
Ms. Amy Do
Amy Do is the Senior Investment Manager in JAFCO Asia Singapore office. Amy covers Singapore, Vietnam and Indonesia across different sectors from seed to series B. Amy has long been in the venture capital industry. Prior to joining JAFCO in 2020, she worked for Expara Ventures in their Singapore office, focusing on seed and pre-series A investment. In addition, Amy has experience running acceleration programmes and start-up consultancy services for large government institutions like A-Star. She has solid skills in market research and financial analysis in TMT and consumer industries. Amy earned her Bachelor Degree in Economics from University College London (UCL).
Fundiin JSC>https://fundiin.vn/
JAFCO Asia>https://jafcoasia.com/
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学校法人立命館 起業・事業化推進室
English Information
This is the RIMIX office.
On Thursday, July 14, 2022, the third session of RIMIX Open Seminar “The Birth of Young Entrepreneurs Competing Globally” presented by JAFCO Asia will be held.
This event is a series of three events, inviting a series of young Asian startup entrepreneurs who are currently active in the world.
You can participate in this series one at a time, but by participating in a series of events, you may gain a better understanding of the current global startup situation, the future direction of the world, and what you are working on right now.
If you aspire to start a business or pursue an international career path, or if you are interested in gaining a global perspective, please join us.
The Birth of Young Entrepreneurs Competing on the World Stage” presented by JAFCO Asia
Part 3: Nguyen Anh Cuong, Co-founder & CEO, Fundiin JSC
The third installment of this series will feature guest lecturer Nguyen Anh Cuong, Co-founder & CEO, Fundiin JSC. (*All parts are in English)
Vietnam has a low credit card ownership rate of 11%. This is because the bank account ownership rate is low and there is not enough database for customer credit information. In the midst of the pandemic, not having an easy to use electronic payment method is a loss of opportunity for a better life.
”Fundiin” addresses this social issue with an electronic payment service that can be provided with information such as a phone number or ID. The system, in which interest on installment payments is free if payment is made on time, ensures the reliability of customer payments and contributes to the construction of a new credit information database.
Mr. Nguyen Anh Cuong will talk about the situation in Vietnam, how he overcame the hurdles of his second startup and a new financial service for Fundiin, what his life has been like, and why he started his business.
Ms.Amy Do, who works as a capitalist at JAFCO Asia, will also be on stage.
Each countries and regions have different social situations and different opportunities.
How Nguyen combined that opportunity with problem solving to create Fundiin’s business. Please take this opportunity to broaden your perspective.
Recommended for people like this!
・People who are interested in entrepreneurship
・People who are interested in international career paths
・People who want to be stimulated by various values.
・People who are interested in becoming venture capitalists.

Fundiin JSC Co-founder & CEO
Mr. Nguyen Anh Cuong
Cuong Nguyen set up Fundiin in mid 2020. Previously, he founded Lendiz – a consumer lending company for motorbike purchase. In addition, Cuong also worked as Fund Manager for Vietnam Asset Management Holding Ltd (a closed-end fund listed on London Stock Exchange that invests in public equities and pre-IPO companies, with USD 250M of AUM).

JAFCO Asia, Senior Investment Manager
Ms. Amy Do
Amy Do is the Senior Investment Manager in JAFCO Asia Singapore office. Amy covers Singapore, Vietnam and Indonesia across different sectors from seed to series B. Amy has long been in the venture capital industry. Prior to joining JAFCO in 2020, she worked for Expara Ventures in their Singapore office, focusing on seed and pre-series A investment. In addition, Amy has experience running acceleration programmes and start-up consultancy services for large government institutions like A-Star. She has solid skills in market research and financial analysis in TMT and consumer industries. Amy earned her Bachelor Degree in Economics from University College London (UCL).
Fundiin JSC>https://fundiin.vn/
JAFCO Asia>https://jafcoasia.com/
July 14, Thursday 18:30-19:30
Online (Zoom)
*ZOOM URL will be sent to the e-mail address you entered in the application form after 1:00 p.m. on 7/13(Wed.).
Offering target
Students and graduate students enrolled at Ritsumeikan University / Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University / Students from affiliated schools and other Ritsumeikan Trust personnel
Q&A session
During the day’s crosstalk, we will be soliciting questions via an anonymous Q&A tool called “slido”.
We will also be accepting questions in advance, so please feel free to submit your questions at the following page.
Application Form
If you wish to participate, please fill out and submit the application form below.
Application deadline: Wednesday, July 13, 13:00
*If a copy of the application form is not sent to your email, the email address you entered on the form may be incorrect. Please apply again.