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全3回のシリーズでお送りしている【RIMIXオープンゼミ】世界で戦う若き起業家たち誕生のきっかけ Presented by JAFCO Asia。
第3回目の今回は、Fundiin JSC Founder&CEOであるNguyen Anh Cuong氏をゲスト講師としてお招きし、「今までどんな人生を歩んで来られたのか」「なぜ起業するに至ったのか」、そんな質問をクロストーク形式で投げかけました。
クロストークは、RIMIX学生スタッフ・畠麻理奈のモデレートの元、JAFCO AsiaのSenior Investment ManagerであるAmy Do氏、そしてCuong氏の3名で行われました。


Fundiin JSC Co-founder & CEO
Mr. Nguyen Anh Cuong
Cuong Nguyen set up Fundiin in mid 2020. Previously, he founded Lendiz – a consumer lending company for motorbike purchase. In addition, Cuong also worked as Fund Manager for Vietnam Asset Management Holding Ltd (a closed-end fund listed on London Stock Exchange that invests in public equities and pre-IPO companies, with USD 250M of AUM).

JAFCO Asia, Senior Investment Manager
Ms. Amy Do
Amy Do is the Senior Investment Manager in JAFCO Asia Singapore office. Amy covers Singapore, Vietnam and Indonesia across different sectors from seed to series B. Amy has long been in the venture capital industry. Prior to joining JAFCO in 2020, she worked for Expara Ventures in their Singapore office, focusing on seed and pre-series A investment. In addition, Amy has experience running acceleration programmes and start-up consultancy services for large government institutions like A-Star. She has solid skills in market research and financial analysis in TMT and consumer industries. Amy earned her Bachelor Degree in Economics from University College London (UCL).
Fundiin JSC>https://fundiin.vn/
JAFCO Asia>https://jafcoasia.com/
■ Fundiinについて / About Fundiin
The credit card ownership rate in Vietnam is low at 11%. The low bank account ownership rate and the lack of an adequate database on customer credit information are said to be the reasons behind this low rate. In the midst of the Corona disaster, not having an easy-to-use electronic payment method is a loss of opportunity to earn a better living.
Fundiin is cutting into that social problem with an electronic payment service that can be provided with information such as a phone number or ID card. The company also contributes to developing a new credit information database by guaranteeing the reliability of customers’ payment status through a system that allows interest-free installment payments if paid on time.

■ クロストークとQ&A / Cross Talk and Q&A
Amy氏も、同様に自国ベトナムへの意識が強く、いつかはベトナムに戻って自国の人に還元できることをしたいと語っていました。JAFCO Asiaで働くAmy氏も、空いた時間には本を読んで勉強したり、セミナーに参加したりと新しい情報をより多く手に入れる工夫がみられました。

During the cross-talk session with Ms. Cuong and Ms. Amy, we asked about Ms. Cuong’s childhood and university years, and about how Ms. Amy how she spends her freetime and the activities of women in Vietnam.
Ms. Cuong was born and raised in a family where his father was a business owner, and he admired her father’s image from an early age and spent her childhood thinking, “I want to start my own business someday.” On the other hand, having witnessed his father’s suffering and the state of affairs in Vietnam, he had many doubts and conflicts, but he says that even in such circumstances, he never lost his strong desire to do what he could to help others.
After traveling not only to Vietnam but also to Australia and studying at universities, he launched Fundiin to solve social issues related to finance in Vietnam, where customer trust in the financial industry is said to be low. He decided to do business in Vietnam because he wanted to give back to his country and make people in the country happy.
He has never stopped learning about developing his own business and starting a business, even when he has time. He spends a lot of time with his family and children, but he also spends a lot of time on his business, which I believe is the secret to his ability to reach so many customers and attract so many people.
Amy, who works at JAFCO Asia, also spends a lot of her free time reading and studying, and attending seminars to gain new information. She is equally conscious of her home country of Vietnam and said she would like to go back to Vietnam someday to give back to the people of her country and make their life better.
In addition, the seminar provided an opportunity for participants to ask questions directly to Mr. Cuong and Ms. Amy, and some students actually asked questions to Mr. Cuong and Ms. Amy, creating a more relaxed atmosphere.

3回シリーズでお送りした、RIMIXオープンゼミ「世界で戦う若き起業家たち誕生のきっかけ」Presented by JAFCO Asia。世界には、日本とは異なる社会状況や課題があり、それに沿ったビジネスチャンスがあります。「若くしてグローバルに活躍する起業家の生き様」を知ることで、世界でビジネスをすること、そしてそれに関する自分の可能性を少しでも感じていただけたでしょうか。
ライター:RIMIX学生スタッフ 豊田 由実衣(立命館アジア太平洋大学1回生)