Beyond COVID-19 English Home

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What is “Beyond COVID-19”?

“Beyond COVID -19” is an online community where those who belong to Ritsumeikan and want to do something can meet and work together. It is a place where people can “focus on something” and “do what everyone can do” in the social situation where online communication is the mainstream.

We will widely invite “Project Owner” from Ritsumeikan’s faculty, students and students to set up courses and projects to study with them. A variety of people as well as teachers, students, and students can participate freely, and the “online supporter”, which invites students for support, is in charge.

For projects and courses, we will post online courses already provided by the university, as well as those launched by students and others on this special site. In addition to lectures at Ritsumeikan University, which is a member of the JMOOC (free online education service), we also plan to offer a variety of online courses, including courses hosted by students.

We create “Creating an Online Community for Ritsumeikan Students” and “How to keep learning going” in this age of with COVID-19.

How to Join

Learn by participating in a projects
>>Find Projects

As the project owner
to create projects and courses
>>Apply for Project Owner

Supporting Participants as Online Supporters
>>Apply for an online supporter

For this project, we are recruiting students called “I want to try”.
You can also start a project or course as a project owner, or support participants as an online supporter.

Hit the link above to apply.
If you choose to participate as a Project Owner or Online Supporter, the RIMIX Secretariat will contact you for an online interview.

Find Projects

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See More

Content such as projects and courses will be enhanced at any time!

View the Project page here.

Official Blog  by teamRIMIX

Students and the administration office of Ritsumeikan Gakuen will pick up information useful for the activities of Ritsumeikan Gakuen, online learning, lectures and communication.






Produced by

The Ritsumeikan Trust – Center for the Promotion of SDGs
The Ritsumeikan Trust Social Entrepreneur Support Platform, RIMIX

Supported by

SDGs Impact Laboratory

Cooperated with

Ritsumeikan Univ. Press
Ritsumeikan Univ. Sustainable Week Executive Committee

 RIMIX is an abbreviation for Ritsumeikan Impact-Makers Inter X (Cross) Platform. “Ritsumeikan / Social Entrepreneur Support” with the aim of visualizing the efforts from the training of human resources and minds that contribute to the solution of social issues at Ritsumeikan Gakuen to the support of entrepreneurship as one platform, and aiming to expand it through collaboration inside and outside the school Platform “. We aim to realize dynamic social change by connecting practical education programs at Ritsumeikan, which nurtures the leaders in achieving the SDGs, and improving the qualities and abilities necessary for social entrepreneurs (Impact-Makers).